"Upload Videos & Get Revenue Share"

MetaPayClicks.com is proud to introduce our latest money-making model, allowing users to monetize their creativity by creating and uploading videos to our platform. We believe in sharing the success, which is why we offer an impressive 60% revenue share to our dedicated video content creators.

The process is simple and straightforward:

Create Your Own Captivating Video Content

Let your imagination run wild and produce engaging videos that captivate your audience. Remember, the duration of each video should be less than 3 minutes to optimize viewer engagement.


Create an Account Here To Upload Videos

Visit to this webiste and create your account to gain access to our exciting platform. This will enable you to upload your videos and obtain a unique download link.


Submit Your Videos

Fill in the required details and accept the terms and conditions outlined in the submission form. We prioritize originality and authenticity, so please refrain from uploading copyright videos or any content that infringes upon third-party rights.

Please familiarize yourself with the following general conditions:

Videos must comply with our community guidelines and adhere to ethical standards.
– Content that promotes violence, discrimination, or illegal activities is strictly prohibited.
– Ensure that your videos do not violate any intellectual property rights or infringe upon any privacy concerns.


Upload Limit

Each user is allowed to upload up to 5 videos per day, allowing for a diverse range of content creation. We appreciate your enthusiasm and encourage you to showcase your talent through these uploads.


Maximizing Exposure

As part of our commitment to your success, we share the uploaded videos on popular platforms such as YouTube and various social media channels. Rest assured, you retain 100% ownership rights to your videos, as we promote them under the umbrella of Metapayclicks website.


Revenue Sharing

We believe in rewarding our creators for their dedication and hard work. After a video is verified, we initiate revenue sharing after a 45-days period. This ensures accurate tracking of viewership and revenue generated.


Monthly Revenue Payout

Between the 25th and 30th of each month, we transfer your earned revenue to your Income Wallet. Accumulate your earnings and seize the opportunity to unlock a minimum withdrawal limit of $5.

Join us today and embark on a rewarding journey where your creativity and videos can pave the way to financial success. We look forward to witnessing your talent flourish and sharing the fruits of your labor through our revenue-sharing program.